Auraia DMS – Ultra High-Definition Print
Everyday tens of millions of magazines are printed using Auraia DMS around the world, helping Publication Printers drive efficiencies and compete in a highly competitive market. Presently two of the top printers in the US have adopted Hamillroad’s patented screening technology to drive efficiencies in their heat-set operations.
Auraia DMS enables Publication Printers to easily print at a higher effective lpi than their competitors (400-500 lpi) delivering photo-real image quality to their clients. Auraia’s clever algorithm ensures that no dot is too small to plate or print yet still not large enough to be visible. The result is visually stunning ultra high-definition printed magazines and catalogs. No longer are printers restricted by problems with moiré, misregistration, rosette drift, color shifts, banding, dot gain variation, dot or shadow loss and so on, but are free to do what they do best – meet their customer expectations with ‘beautiful’ presswork.
Even during severe climate and temperature differences, there were no fluctuations in production. The prints remain stable from the first sheet to the last and the press needs fewer corrections than before. What we print from almost the first sheet is of a high quality. Reprints can be reproduced immediately, with no delaySilber Druck, Germany
Auraia DMS technical capabilities
- Sheet-fed/heat-set: 400-600 lpi
- Newsprint (cold-set): 200-300 lpi
- Smooth flat tints
- No screen moiré
- No content moiré
- Extended tone range of 0.5% to 99.5%
- Stunning image fidelity
- Sharper reverse / tinted text
- Reduced issues from misregistration
- Reduced plugging of shadows with density drift
- Reduced show through

Auraia DMS digitally modulates every pixel it produces, thereby precisely controlling the dots in each separation, while its "stochastic rosette" interleaves the screens in the separations to eliminate noise and moiré.
In addition, the stochastic rosette maximizes the ink-on-paper area and minimizes the amount of ink-on-ink to expand the available color gamut while eliminating color shifts due to misregistration.
The screening analyzes each pixel to ensure that no dot is too small to plate or print, yet still not large enough to be visible.